As the time for Captain to turn in his papers neared, he needed to have a physical exam to make sure he was healthy for wherever the Lord was going to send him. I had had a late night and was sleeping in my room (it was about 7:30am) when Captain came barging in yelling at me that he was going to be late for his doctors appointment and I needed to find his insurance card. Needless to say, I was annoyed, no one likes to be awaken by a snotty, yelling brother so I told him I’d given him his card and I had no idea where it was. “You didn’t give me my card or I would have it.” Was his argument (the kids got a point). I knew I had given him his card because I had seen it on his dresser a few days before. “Captain, I don’t have your card. Did you look on your dresser?” He left in a huff, slamming my door behind him and 30 seconds later I heard the car start and he drove off. I drifted off to sleep again, with sweet dreams of dancing with my current heartthrob. I couldn’t have been dozing for more than ½ hour when for the second time Captain came bursting into my bedroom in a rage. His face was red and he could hardly breathe, he was mad. I was alarmed at first, did something bad happen to him? Was someone mean to him? I’d kick their trash. Who would make my little brother so upset? Apparently, it was me, but I didn’t know it yet. “What’s wrong?” I asked with genuine concern. I was wide awake and ready to be there for my sweet brother. “I went to the doctor’s office and failed my physical because my blood pressure was too high because you made me mad before I w

Captain’s blood pressure is still an issue; unfortunately, I don’t live anywhere near him so I can only speculate that his wife is the cause of the problem now.
Gracious girl! You are a character.
You slay me! Really!
When will these guys ever learn? Never wake a sleeping beauty! We haven't had our Saturday chat in a while. I miss you.
I love to hear about your friendship with your brother. I hope that Jackson and Madi will be like that one day.
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