Part 1:
1. How many wise men were there? We don't know. It's a common misconception that because there were three gifts (gold, frankensense and myrrh) there were three wise men. Another error is calling the wise men Magi. Magi are the class of Zoroastrian (astrologers) priests in ancient Media and Persia, reputed to possess supernatural powers. Why would astrologers travel to see a child that wasn't a part of their faith? These men knew who Christ was, they were prophets.
2. What did Mary ride into Bethlehem on? This is also unknown. It's assumed a donkey or burro but the Bible does not say.
3. Was Joseph alive when the wise men came to see the Christ child? Yes, it doesn't mention it at the exact visit by the wise men but later on (Luke 2:43) when Jesus taught in the temple at age 12 (the wise men came when he was child) it says the Joseph and Mary did not know he had tarried behind.
4. In what structure was Christ born? Grotto (aka Cave). Grotto's provided better protection and shelter for the animals, protecting them from the fierce wind that blew.
5. What was the name of the angel that came to Mary? Gabriel (also known as Noah)
6. Who should have been king of Judaea at the time of Christs birth? Joseph. According to the bible, if Rome had not conquered Judaea, through the lineage of David, Joseph would have been king of Judaea.
7. How long after Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem was Jesus born? The bible doesn't give a specific time period it only says: Luke 2:6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
8. Who witnessed the circumcision of Christ (besides his parents)? Simeon (Luke 2: 25-26) and Anna (Luke 2: 36-38).
9. How much older was John the Baptist that Christ (who were cousins)? 6 months
10. When was the real season of Christ's birth, and how do we know what season it was (this one is a little tricky, sorry)? In the spring (April), we know this because there were multiple shepherds in the fields which means it was birthing season for the sheep. Usually there is only one shepherd in the field to protect the sheep from animals for the rest of the seasons.
Part 2:
From the movie "A Christmas Story"
1. After the leg lamp was broken, what song did Ralphie say he heard being played late at night? Taps
2. While Ralphie was daydreaming about saving his family from Black Bart, how many bad guys did he shoot and "kill"? 3, there were 6 shown but he only shot 3 of them.
3. Name 4 alternate names for Santa Claus. Kris Kringle, Brother Claus, Father Christmas, Tim Allen (Melissa, that was hilarious).
4. What famous Christmas song is not really about the birth of Christ? It's really about His second coming. "Joy to the World"
Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing,
The earth (people) did not recieve Christ at his birth but they will at his Second Coming. Read the rest of the song, you'll see what I mean.
5. Name all of Santa's reindeer. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph
6. What does the candy cane represent (I know of three things). The Shepherds staff, the white represents Christ as pure and sinless, the red of Him shedding his blood for the sins of all man, and if you turn the candy cane upsidedown it becomes a "J" for Jesus.
7. Name all 12 of the gifts that "my true love gave to me." 1partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, 3 french hens, 4 calling birds, 5 golden rings, 6 geese-a layin', 7 swans-a swimmin', 8 maids-a milkin', 9 ladies dancin', 10 lords-a leapin', 11 pipers pipin', 12 drummers drumming. (I didn't know all these)
8. Which song is considered Americas most famous Christmas song? According to the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, this is the most-performed “Holiday” song for the first five years of the 21st Century: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire).
9. In "Twas the Night before Christmas" what were the children dreaming of? "Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads."
10. Essay: What is your favorite Christmas memory? Mine will be told a little closer to Christmas

6. What does the candy cane represent (I know of three things). The Shepherds staff, the white represents Christ as pure and sinless, the red of Him shedding his blood for the sins of all man, and if you turn the candy cane upsidedown it becomes a "J" for Jesus.
7. Name all 12 of the gifts that "my true love gave to me." 1partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, 3 french hens, 4 calling birds, 5 golden rings, 6 geese-a layin', 7 swans-a swimmin', 8 maids-a milkin', 9 ladies dancin', 10 lords-a leapin', 11 pipers pipin', 12 drummers drumming. (I didn't know all these)
8. Which song is considered Americas most famous Christmas song? According to the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, this is the most-performed “Holiday” song for the first five years of the 21st Century: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire).
9. In "Twas the Night before Christmas" what were the children dreaming of? "Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads."
10. Essay: What is your favorite Christmas memory? Mine will be told a little closer to Christmas

I guess I didn't do to bad, but can I still be the winner?? Please...
Wow. I didn't even know half that stuff. Thanks! I can't wait to tell my kids the candy cane thing. They'll get a big kick out of that.
(And it kinda made me feel guilty for the Dora & Sponge Bob canes hanging off the tree. ;-) Whoops!)
I think it will be ok, at least we know Dora and Sponge Bob are religious.
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