-What did Mary ride into Bethlehem on? Jack Ass (Gigi)
-How long after Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem was Jesus born? 3 years (Annon. they did mentioned that they weren't really paying attention)
-Name all 12 of the gifts that "my true love gave to me." partridge in a pear tree, 5 golden rings, 4 turtle doves, 3 french hens ladies dancing, maids milking, something leaping. men flipping, hell, forget it! (Gigi)
-Who witnessed the circumcision of Christ (besides his parents)? Some perv peeping through the windows (Hil)
-What famous Christmas song is not really about the birth of Christ? It's really about His second coming. Jingle Bells, sorry, that was blasphemous (Hil)
-Was Joseph alive when the wise men came to see the Christ child? Sure (Colleen)
-Name 4 alternate names for Santa Claus. Tim Allen (Melissa)
That's awesome. And now to announce the winner....
My little (younger) brother, who I didn't realize was a blog nerd, beat out Gigi by 1.5 points. Congrats to him!
Marshall I hope you like your girly gift... and you'd better hope Gigi doesn't find out where you live or she might come find you.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game!!! That's CRAP! (but I did enjoy playing, thanks Haley)
Congratulations, any hoo,
MARSHALL! Merry Christmas
I tried to talk him into letting you have it. He lives with three other stinky boys so he needs something to make the place smell good. I'll keep working on him!
Marshall, congratulations. i have been bested. if you listen closely, i think you can hear "taps" being played in distance...
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